From Beginning To End: 4 Ways Oil And Grease Will Destroy Your Septic System

If you have a new septic system, what you don't know could end up causing serious problems, especially where grease is concerned. You might have been told about some of the things that can destroy your septic system, such as flushing tampons down the toilet, or using your garbage disposal too much. But, you might not have been warned about grease and oil disposal. Unfortunately, grease and oil can destroy your septic system. Starting at the drain, and heading all the way through to the seepage field, here are four ways that grease and oil can wreak havoc on your septic system. 

Gets Stuck to Drain Pipe Walls

When you pour grease and oil down the drain, you might think that they'll stay in their liquid form all the way through to the septic tank. That's not actually the case. Some of the grease and oil will actually get stuck to the inside of the drain pipe. Once inside the drain, the oil and grease deposits become a sticky mess. Unfortunately, that sticky mess starts collecting particles of food and waste that gets flushed through the drains. Eventually, the pipes leading to your septic system will get clogged. When that happens, your septic system will no longer function properly. Not only that, you'll end up with clogged pipes. 

Prevents Bacteria From Working

If you send liquid grease and oil through to the septic system, it's not going to stay in liquid form for very long. Once inside your septic tanks, the grease and oil will take on a more solid form. Unfortunately, once the grease and oil take on a solid form, they'll prevent bacteria growth, which means that the solid waste will no longer decompose. As a result, your septic tanks will fill up faster, which means you'll need to pay to have them pumped more often. 

Clogs Septic System Outlet Valve

When you flush liquid grease and oil down the drain, some of it will get through to the system outlet valve. Unfortunately, that can have devastating consequences for you, and for your septic system. The outlet valve helps to regulate the flow of liquid waste through the system. If the valve is clogged, the system won't function properly. 

Causes Destruction of Seepage Field

Finally, if you're sending oil and grease through to the septic system, you can expect your seepage field to malfunction. Your seepage field is responsible for filtering waste water through to the soil. To do that, the inside of the seepage field needs to be healthy. Once the inside of the seepage field becomes coated with oil, it will no longer be able to filter waste water through to the soil. When that happens, your septic system will fail. 

Don't take chances with your septic system. To avoid the destructive problems described above, never send grease or oil through to your septic system. Find septic tank services near you today. 
