When problems in the bathroom happen, people tend to either leap to get help or put it off. It usually depends on the seeming severity of the problem. For example, a toilet pouring over onto the floor that can't flush is definitely something most people would call a plumber for. But if you have a minor leak appearing around the base of the toilet, you might consider putting it off. You really shouldn't, though.
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If you have a new septic system, what you don't know could end up causing serious problems, especially where grease is concerned. You might have been told about some of the things that can destroy your septic system, such as flushing tampons down the toilet, or using your garbage disposal too much. But, you might not have been warned about grease and oil disposal. Unfortunately, grease and oil can destroy your septic system.
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When you are having a lot of people at your home during the holidays, your bathroom is going to get a lot of use. During this time, you don't want to have to worry about having a plumbing issue that could really ruin your time with family and friends. Not to mention, the last thing you want to do is to have to snake a drain because it's not draining in the middle of your holiday celebration.
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Do you need to install a new gas line in your home? You may be moving your hot water heater to a new location or replacing your electric furnace with one powered by gas. Here are some tips to ensure that installing the gas line goes smoothly.
Use Pipe Joint Compound
It's very important that you use a pipe joint compound when putting together two sections of pipe with a fitting.
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Low water pressure plays a significant role in the way you are able to use your home's plumbing. If you don't have good water pressure, it can ruin your morning shower or slow you down when you are trying to wash dishes.
None of this sounds good, so why are you living with low water pressure? These are a few reasons why this might be the case.
Your Main Water Valve Might Be Partially Off
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