It's easy to see visual plumbing problems in your bathroom like water leaks or standing water in your tub. One of the harder problems to diagnose are random sounds that come from the toilet and bathroom as a whole. By carefully listening to the troubling sounds in your bathroom, you can hone in on what the actual problem is and make it easier for when describing the problem to a plumber.
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It's never too early to start preparing for the next major temperature shift, and getting ready for winter is no different. Before the first cold snap hits it's a good idea to address a number of maintenance issues, as well as any repairs or upgrades for your HVAC. Depending on your home, there may be some other preparations to consider as well.
Winter Preparations for Early Fall
By the time warmer days have begun to come less frequently you'll want to begin planning for some of your major to-do list tasks.
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There are a number of reasons to call an emergency plumber, but one of the most critical times is when you have a gas leak with one of your appliances. If you smell gas near your stove or dryer, you should immediately call a plumber to come fix the problem. This is typically relatively easy to fix, but it could be dangerous if left unrepaired.
How To Detect A Gas Leak
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If you're like many Canadians, then you're always looking for ways to save money on your heating and cooling costs.There have been numerous advancements in the heating and cooling industry, which all have the same goal in mind: super energy efficiency coupled with optimal performance. Here is an overview of some of the most cutting-edge new systems that can benefit both home and business owners:
Hybrid heating & cooling systems
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A main sewer clog is arguably one of the worst things that could happen to a homeowner. If left long enough, sewage could end up flooding your backyard, which is unpleasant to say the very least. Knowing the early signs of a clogged sewer could potentially save you thousands of dollars and perhaps even your sanity.
How to Diagnose a Clog
When attempting to diagnose a main sewer line clog, the first sign is generally a combination of sight and sound.
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